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发表于 2023-4-3 22:45:11 来自手机 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览
  A week ago today, when I saw the officially released optimization, I was worried that it would be the most difficult public opinion disaster to announce in our long history. I think about two thirds of the ships may be put back on the shelves. It is foreseeable that the entire Germany and the entire UK will be harmonised in terms of historical issues and clothing design in the national costume
   This is a difficult and heavy news announced by officials to the people of the whole country a week ago. The root, core, and mental power of the entire Azur Lane is based on a foundation that has been harmonized. Harmonious Germany seems to be losing all their names! Or forever sleep on the bottom of the sea!
  "The influence of Azur Lane is being weakened, and our interests have suffered heavy losses. The officials who have high hopes may have been put to waste.". Many valuable communities and port areas have been occupied by the enemy, and the entire public screen of the port area has their water army. As a result of all the subsequent tragedies, we must consider that another game that is about to be attacked may be Ash Arms or Blue Archive
  We heard of a plan to invade Azur Lane at Akachiki. Someone has thought about it before. Will eventually be resolved by us
  We are full of confidence. If everyone points out a negative comment, the truth will be told, if the best arrangements are made, and if we do so, we will once again prove that we can defend our harbor homeland, weather the storms of war, and the threat of Akachiki .If necessary, for years! If necessary, alone! Anyway, this is what we need to do. This is the royal determination - and the principality, the determination of each of us!
  This is the will of the vast majority of players, Azur Lane. The national and foreign uniforms will unite in their struggle and needs, and will defend their port area to the death, help each other like good comrades, and do their best!
  High Fingers from Port Areas around the World Unite! The high fingers of the world who believe in Azur Lane unite! Push down the oppression of Akachiki and rescue the Passy Azur Lane!
  We will try to the end, we will fight in the national service, we will fight in the foreign service, we will be confident in fighting in all channels, we will defend Azur Lane at any cost, we will fight in the port area, fight on the official at Akachiki, fight on the public screen and other screens! We will never fear and fail! We will never surrender!
  Even most of our national or foreign servers are captured by Akachiki and trapped in endless public opinion, all games that befriend Azur Lane will continue to fight until a miracle arrives. New Azur Lane will use its resilience to advance towards the liberation of the Passy Azur Lane!
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